Please give us free, unlimited Skill respecs


There are probably already posts about this, but I'm lending my fuel to the fire. Please give us the ability to freely, and arbitrarily respec our Skills. We can already do this for Attributes and Perks, so why not skills? It is super easy for new players to totally mess up their skill builds and ruin the game for themselves. These people will quit, they will hate the game, they will tell their friends, and their friends people will not buy the game. Additionally if you decide you want to switch from melee to ranged or tanky to glass cannon, or make any other substantive changes to your build, you're completely screwed.

The current system is woefully inadequate. I'm currently Rank 22. I've gotten *one* respec item drop and I have seen it in the store *once*, and current afford it at the time. If you want to keep the drop system then make the consumables FULL respecs. Not this one skill line only idiocy, and you need to DRASTICALLY increase the drop rate.

I'm sorry, but in game of utterly boneheaded game mechanics decisions, this stands out as the worst one by far.

There are a lot of things I like about this game (mainly the art and graphical effects), but we desperately need the ability to freely alter our builds to play with the game's mechanics and try the different weapons/spells and playstyles. The current system is arbitrarily limiting and massively infuriating.

Thank you.

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Please give us free, unlimited Skill respecs
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6 years 271 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 6 years 271 days ago
Have no problem with this system. It makes you want to think hard about your choices before you do your thing.
Except you aren't given all the possible variable information to make those choices.  It's like flying an airplane with only half the controls labeled as to what they actually do.  
6 years 271 days ago
Have no problem with this system. It makes you want to think hard about your choices before you do your thing.
6 years 271 days ago
The fact that the effects on items and skills isn't even known without doing a ton of research on the internet is a HUGE issue.  Not to mention you never know if a skill perk is going to effect specific attacks.  At this point it's all guess work and even then it's hard to tell if it does anything.
6 years 271 days ago
I just found out that the respec consumables don't even do every single skill, that's quite abhorrently disgusting and shocking to me. 

Another solution would be to allow to keep racking up skill points so that eventually every single tree can be filled. That way, if you made a horrible mistake its not a big deal, because you were going to fill out the entire skill tree system anyway. Even better this means that people can store entirely different configurations in their storage and can dramatically change their loadout/payload for ever mission. I can't think of anything cooler than that! (It would be like The Secret World, where you could switch completely from being a tank to being a dps or to a healer as long as you had the equipment because you could max out the entire skill tree eventually)
6 years 271 days ago
There is  respec  drop items but i  totally agree.  for this reason i have no spent any points yet because i d not have the item not  the money to buy one to respec and with so many skills OMG   you want to be able to play around  with builds.  Especially since you have to earn the  skill trees  so you can't  just initially put points where you want them.  Is the biggest issue so once you get to a tree you want your points ar already spent elsewhere.
6 years 271 days ago
yeah :D Obtuseness isn't the best of terms, but I do get what he means. Every game has to make a decision about how to make your choices matter. In this game, it's skill points. I also think that they should add attributes to that list. And they already have reset tokens in the game...they can adjust the frequency of those to suit their tastes.

I'm in the middle. I like being able to respec easily, especially when I make a mistake or two. Currently have my first assassin in that state...don't really play her much. But that's OK. I got a feel for the skill trees and how things worked, and I know have 2 others that are more specialized and doing fine. Forcing choices like that are part of an ARPG's life. They encourage replay in some ways, and make character choices feel more impacting.

But making them cost you an arm and a leg isn't something I'm happy with. or making them so rare your hunting for days just to get one. There should be consistent rewards at specific character levels that by the tim you hit level cap, you have a few global ones, and perhaps a few more specific ones saved up. a full respec or two by the time you hit 50 isn't unfair IMO.

6 years 271 days ago
Posted by TombRocket 6 years 271 days ago
I kind of like the obtuseness. Makes you make sure your choices matter more and gives you a deeper understanding of the game mechanics by forcing you to take the time to read and thoroughly think through each of the skill choices presented to you.

I do find it odd we redistribute attribute points at will though. I want that choice to matter as much as the skills. Personal preference though I suppose. 


Obtuseness should NEVER be an adjective used to describe game mechanics.
6 years 271 days ago
I kind of like the obtuseness. Makes you make sure your choices matter more and gives you a deeper understanding of the game mechanics by forcing you to take the time to read and thoroughly think through each of the skill choices presented to you.

I do find it odd we redistribute attribute points at will though. I want that choice to matter as much as the skills. Personal preference though I suppose. 


6 years 272 days ago
I too feel they should give us back the respec free any time we had. Changing it was a bad idea. Failing that the mind resets need to at the very least be made much much cheaper, so as to be affordable by low level chars finding their feet.