PC: Ordo missions, Ordo stores, and Storage


Bugs have been experienced on PC, individually, as well as successively.

1. I cannot access my Ordo Missions. When I open their menu, counter is refresh to x days still available, but the number of missions indicated -6 value, while all missions are ticked and unavailable:

2. Since I cannot access my missions, I turn my luck to doing a bit of barter via the 3 stores. Unfortunately, those are bugged; after few seconds in idle state, i am not allowed to click close, but I am sent back to the command bridge:

3. So I decide to go into my storage. Unfortunately it is not available. Not only I cannot close the storage, but I am forced to wait long seconds before being back onto the command bridge:

For 2 and 3, the screenshots provided do deliberately include the roll over an item from my character inventory - to show the 'grey/unavailable' layer preventing from closing or any other action.

This post was edited 4 years 337 days ago by admiralbushido
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PC: Ordo missions, Ordo stores, and Storage
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4 years 334 days ago

I am able to access the Ordo stores, their missions and timers values are correct. Thanks.

Although it is important to notice the loading time of data does range from 3 to 6 sec.

Hoping that you can improve performance moving forward.

4 years 335 days ago
In my experience, this happens every Monday around lunch time CET.

I would guess there is some automatic server thingy going on in the background after the weekly reset. Perhaps a script goes through all characters, refreshing their mission counters, generating new ones for each and syncing them with the server? Just a wild guess, obviously...

Anyway, I learned not to bother with anything Ordo-related until Monday evening.

4 years 336 days ago

Ordo shop was working on 1 char, mission still broken on that one, 2nd char was able to run 1 mission before they broke, vendor for herticus works others don't.

4 years 337 days ago

Could you tell us whether the issue is still present? 

4 years 337 days ago
Same for me, except the storage one.  ordo is completely broken.