One-Handed with Gun


When I'm equiping a one-handed weapon and any one handed gun my character is just hovering around in a frozen state (see the picture)


Intel i7-4770k CPU
Win 10 Pro
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070

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One-Handed with Gun
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7 years 306 days ago
Posted by Megapull 7 years 306 days ago
Indeed. The hardest part would be to make these combos work is the balance, as they would be always too weak in proportion to other, more viable weapon combinations.

Here's a more specific example. I'm new to the game, not to mention I haven't tried dual wielding yet, so I don't know exactly how dual wielding damage works. For the sake of example, let's say the difference is hypothetically 50% between ranged/melee and melee/melee, and the difference is 40% between ranged/melee and ranged/ranged. Just make equipping a ranged/melee combination give you a +45% damage buff for as long as you're wielding a ranged/melee weapon combination. 

7 years 306 days ago
Posted by Megapull 7 years 306 days ago
Indeed. The hardest part would be to make these combos work is the balance, as they would be always too weak in proportion to other, more viable weapon combinations.

Not really. Just add a passive +x% damage, where the value of x is the difference between the damage of melee/ranged and ranged/ranged or melee/melee. It's a super simple thing to fix.

7 years 306 days ago
Indeed. The hardest part would be to make these combos work is the balance, as they would be always too weak in proportion to other, more viable weapon combinations.
7 years 307 days ago

That's a bug, but not like you think. The bug is that you're not supposed to be able to equip melee and ranged at the same time. It's tragic in a 40k game, especially one about the inquisition, but unfortunately it's intended. They said they'd implement it if enough people want it so make some noise about it.

7 years 308 days ago

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7 years 308 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Too bad I would have enjoyed that combo. 

7 years 308 days ago

known issue because that combo is not supposed to be equippable. It will be removed / blocked in the next patch. :)