Missing Weaponry


Now it has happened to me. I was awarded a gold/orange (whatever the level above purple is) bolt gun. Great stats! I equipped it and started a new mission. I am lvl 7. Mission starts and I have a beginner level rifle. No bolt gun. Not even in my inventory. The bolt gun has completely disappeared into the warp. Really? Really?! At this point I have already unloaded my inventory and have no access to other weapons. Since you stuck me with a crap rifle, I died several times attempting to finish the mission ruining my perfect no death record. As you can tell I'm not to happy with the game. Good luck at launch. May I suggest a refund button?

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Missing Weaponry
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6 years 283 days ago
Dear Dev Team, I apologize for my thread getting out of hand. Please close the thread as starting an internet riot was not my intent. The current state of the game with its crashes, disappearing loot and cursors is frustrating to say the least.
6 years 283 days ago

oh, and one thing.

a bit of advice:

make some meditation or yoga/tai chi and youre ghost and mind will be quiet.

 i mean it serious, at the past i was full of angry like you and flame everything. than i made yoga and all will be fine. all of my worldview.

6 years 283 days ago

2 quistions:

1: you know that is an beta, and its for reporting bugs? because its an unfinished game?

2: you know that there is at release an komplett wipe und you will "loose" all?

i dont understand that kind of threats and thinking. when i spend money on founding/early acces than i must live with bugs. graeter and littel bugs. and that i report to make the game at release better. 

when i will have an bugg free game and komplet finished than i wait 1 month after release and it will be fine for me (never play on patch day).

Patience has become a rare commodity. poor internet.

6 years 283 days ago
Posted by Edinazzu 6 years 283 days ago
Actually there's an award for no deaths. The longer you go the bigger it gets. And if I'm bitter because beta is running worse than alpha then its better than congratulating the dev's for the wrong reasons. Adult out.
But there will be another wipe anyway. So that point is a bit invalid.

As to the rest, you could have just stated your frustrations and issues without wishing them the worst. 

6 years 283 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 283 days ago
Act like an adult!

The only thing you achieve with your condescending posts, especially on an internet forum, is just to incite more hatred and rage,
but that probably is your intention all along.

I am not being condescending. I am being perfectly level-headed. I am no better or worse than any person, but when I see such vigorous negativity I should say something.

If you think I am being condescending, you have my apologies.

As far as the rest of it, if you think I am a troll, why are you feeding me?

6 years 283 days ago
Posted by ChapterLibrarianSarpedon 6 years 283 days ago

Understandably frustrating. However, your perfect no death record has no effect on anything and your frustration is no reason to be so disrespectful and hateful.

Act like an adult.

Actually there's an award for no deaths. The longer you go the bigger it gets. And if I'm bitter because beta is running worse than alpha then its better than congratulating the dev's for the wrong reasons. Adult out.
6 years 283 days ago
Posted by ChapterLibrarianSarpedon 6 years 283 days ago

Understandably frustrating. However, your perfect no death record has no effect on anything and your frustration is no reason to be so disrespectful and hateful.

Act like an adult.

Act like an adult!

The only thing you achieve with your condescending posts, especially on an internet forum, is just to incite more hatred and rage,
but that probably is your intention all along.

6 years 283 days ago

Understandably frustrating. However, your perfect no death record has no effect on anything and your frustration is no reason to be so disrespectful and hateful.

Act like an adult.

This comment was edited 6 years 283 days ago by ChapterLibrarianSarpedon
6 years 284 days ago

i understand why you are upset but on the bright side : you are just at item lvl 7 so you would transmute it anyway very soon aaaaaaand everything gets whiped anyway in less then a week afaik and eventually this bug will be gone with launch version.