Lost Items From Black Legion Event


Hi, i collected the 50 skulls on the Black Legion event thing for the mask, but haven't received it. Also the Cherub hasn't flapped the wings to me yet... But i have seen players online with the pet.

So what is going on? Did i mention that the Skull Mask was the thing that swayed me towards buying the game :] And i want it. Fuck the cherub if i have to choose.

Is my friends list gone 4-ever btw?

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Lost Items From Black Legion Event
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6 years 265 days ago
Well, these matters have been taken care of. Thank you all. Can't seem to find where to delete the post, so i'll leave it here :]
6 years 265 days ago
Ah, i see. That was bloody obscure! ;D  Thank you.
6 years 265 days ago
Thank you Morzan* :]
6 years 267 days ago

These are not items that will appear in your inventory you have to turn them on. There is a little station by the crafter and tarot missions that you toggle on the helm graphic as well as do your emotes and toggle on your pets. Had the same issue thankfully someone told me where to go.

6 years 267 days ago
Hi! Please write to the support team, also send your account name to them and they will check it out. 

Now you can find a 'Support' button here, in the main menu, above. Simply click on that for the Neocore Messenger. 

6 years 268 days ago

Try posting it over on the bug report page they use:


I remember seeing someone post something similar and it looked like it was resolved...

6 years 268 days ago
4 days now... Im still waiting