Inquisitor - Martyr: Roadmap



the time has come for us to share more details about the future of Martyr! This means that we're presenting you a brand new Roadmap, which will hopefully communicate all our future plans for the game clearly, including all free updates (Seasons and smaller patches), with more accurate information added as they are developed.

What you can see right now is the first, static iteration of our soon-to-be dynamic Roadmap for the game. Please take a look, and let us know what you think!

You can view the current Roadmap here: Community Roadmap (Or just click the new Roadmap menu at the top)

Features of the final roadmap will include:

  • Dynamically changing entries with each update
  • Features for viewing related articles, posts, and patch logs for each milestone
  • Subscribe feature to get notifications for updates

What this Roadmap contains is our definite outline for the game's close future. As you can see, our plan for Martyr includes numerous free content updates and events, and we will keep to this plan throughout the lifetime of the game.

With that said, let's now talk a little bit about the first upcoming milestone.

Season 1: Drukhari

The first free content update of Martyr will be a Dark Eldar themed Season - this means a new Investigation series tied with a new enemy faction, the mysterious Drukhari, a new Subsector called Triglav where Inquisitors can rank up. The update also brings new planets, new missions, and various other in-game elements, so every Inquisitor shall find something new as the first Season starts. 

With the additional new free content we'll be also increasing the level cap to 70. Power Rating of enemies and items will increase as well in correlation with this change. 

We feel that it is also important to address all the constructive feedback that we have received during the Warzone. We want to assure everyone that we have received and processed all your requests, observations, but implementing them will take time - as you can see on the Roadmap, we have quite the work cut out for us. Not only is the launch of Season 1 is creeping up on us, but we would have to find the time between these major content updates to tend to these requests from the community, minor and major ones alike.

Therefore, we'd like to ask for your understanding - our utmost goal is to deliver to you the necessary fixes and our vision for the game. Our team is small, but we are dedicated, and we will keep working hard on Martyr to ensure that we reach our goals. Currently, our plan is to take a harder look at all the feedback that we have received  so far after the arrival of the Dark Eldar, and do something about it.

As for the Warzone, although it was the event leading up to the first Season, it will remain active and playable for everyone. 

After all, in the grim dark future, there is only war…

This post was modified 6 years 67 days ago by Jim Fox
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Inquisitor - Martyr: Roadmap
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5 years 357 days ago
So, I´m a bit curious. Any chance to get to know what kind of Faction will be available in Season 2?

I was guessing for the Tyranids for Halloween release, but nope. Was wrong on that one.

Oh well, coming soonish anyways. Sooner now then last time soonish anyway.

5 years 361 days ago

I would also add current game optimization, so it runs faster on low-mid configurations. 

This comment was edited 5 years 361 days ago by Kortes
5 years 362 days ago
As KiLLyoX69 said, fix the main bugs first then proceed with the roadmap. I stopped playing a while ago because of the repetitive gameplay (Warzone what else to do?) and maps (they are not randomly created, so it's boring). As great as new content is, it's better to have a playable game at first - as new stuff always leads to new problems. And how shall all the player with stucked characters have fun while not being able to finish the story first?
6 years 1 hour ago
Nice to hear that the content will be extended, but what about characters stuck for weeks who can't finish the story missions of the initial content because of bugs leading to crashes in series ?

Wouldn't it be a better idea to solve the existing issues before introducing potential new ones ??

Personnaly I prefer finishing tome 1 of a book before starting tome 2, not you ?

But unfortunatly finishing the initial content is impossible today for a lot of players (bug reports grow every day at a high rate).

I'm a quality manager for a big car manufacturer, I can't imagine to tell customers : ok you bought a new car but you'll have to keep it parked until we update ECU that will allow you to drive your car. And when will I receive my update ? We can't tell you it's in certification process ...

6 years 23 hours ago
Is there still a plan to implement a dynamic roadmap?
6 years 25 days ago
Well, nice to see upcoming Poisoned Souls and a Heresy emote. And soonish also an event.
6 years 26 days ago
Well, it is here. Month of October. Q4 of the Roadmap and an upcoming new Faction will be upon us soon.

I have no idea what that Faction is, but I just have to take a guess here. Because it wouldn´t be totally wrong to guess for that Faction to be........... Tyranids is coming. Cmon. October. Halloween. The Month of Horror. I can´t imagine something more horrorific than Tyranids.

I don´t know of course, but I cross my fingers for it being the Tyranids.

And then I hope for something more storydriven when it comes to the Event(s), which I will imagine will come mid-end October. Something that is more Campaign driven and you see that you are actually doing an impact on certain places. Not just some grind till you have slaughtered 5000 or something mobs and get some kind of reward(s) consisiting of Cosmetic item and/or emote.

6 years 90 days ago

Great job guys ! The game is amazing and this road map is awesome ^^ It is very good that you keep focus on your idea before you start listening to the community. 

Keep the good work, cant wait for the new subsector and to get to level 70 :D

Praise the Omnissiah !

6 years 91 days ago

I like that new form of roadmap. I guess it's planned those headers will be clickable to show details or progress. Did you take some cue from the design of Star Citizen's roadmap? If not, have a look. It's a real comprehensive design:

6 years 91 days ago
So are Inquistorial bases, officially descoped?
6 years 91 days ago
Posted by Damoksta 6 years 92 days ago

- I started playing this game 3-5 days after official release. I currently have 144 hours in-game.

- My first character is a melee crusader that has now tanked to Warzone Battle 90. Getting relic is not an issue for him since I have already "tuned" all the relic attributes for the build before the last patch.

- My second character is a lvl 49 Psyker that is extremely ineffective in warzone relic farming because he can't even survive Battle 40.  Specifically, the "10% damage for every debuff" perk for the one-handed staff is vital for a glass cannon role like Psykers.

So at the fundamental level, your rationale here doesn't quite register. Your defence that  removing relic attribute rolling is not an issue any more if you've already played the game long enough ignores the fact that those who have just started will now struggle to get a half-viable build to play warzone.


Since the last Patch i didn't got any Relic any more. If I read your Post it seems, that I can't get Relics outside of the Warzone (which I can't enter, because non of my Characters has reached Lvl 50). Is this right? Or do I have just not enough Luck to get a Relic Item?

And how someone can reach a PR of 1500+ without using merged Relics? My PR with a Lvl 40 Character is 1020, but it seems to be the upper End I can reach (haven't seen stronger Equipment since Lvl 38).

6 years 92 days ago
Pham Nuwen

That's not how software development roadmaps work, get a clue. - try this, you'll notice a lack of bug tracking/reporting/triage in there.

6 years 92 days ago

- I started playing this game 3-5 days after official release. I currently have 144 hours in-game.

- My first character is a melee crusader that has now tanked to Warzone Battle 90. Getting relic is not an issue for him since I have already "tuned" all the relic attributes for the build before the last patch.

- My second character is a lvl 49 Psyker that is extremely ineffective in warzone relic farming because he can't even survive Battle 40.  Specifically, the "10% damage for every debuff" perk for the one-handed staff is vital for a glass cannon role like Psykers.

So at the fundamental level, your rationale here doesn't quite register. Your defence that  removing relic attribute rolling is not an issue any more if you've already played the game long enough ignores the fact that those who have just started will now struggle to get a half-viable build to play warzone.

This comment was edited 6 years 92 days ago by Damoksta
6 years 93 days ago
Pham Nuwen is exceptionally toxic and frustrated kid, and even the fact that he (can?) read books surprise me. He took the name of genius conqueror (the reading fact still confuses me), but he doesn't know to play - which is easy to 'read' from his posts, has childish fits of rage and thinks everything HE can't do is a bug or overly hard. He asked for nerfs of quite normal things in the past already, and he will again, no doubt. For example, 'BAD UI' is the reason he can't do WZ, no less! 

As for changing Relic attribute, it should be removed altogether, in my opinion. In lategame (which he probably can't see, because he's still in Balthar or such), Relics are so abundant that players (me, for instant) sell them or salvage, because there is constant flow of those. Bu rerolling Relic affix is actually much *easier* than rerolling regular one - there are just several per type, it's very fast and relatively cheap. Other, more numerous ones, often need fortune to get 2 out of 3 or perfect. (now he'll ask for free reroll, probably),

Devs would do right if they put him on 'ignore' (along with few others angry little nerds), since nothing they say is right, and actual 'listening to community of Pham Nuwens' is the best way for a game to meet its doom. Doing exactly opposite, however, gives decent chances...

There are bugs and there are BUGS - if there's occassional CTD (not that I have them, something like once per week or when I do a LOT of alt-tabbing), or some skill doesn't work properly - it's normal, need to be fixed, but doesn't require immediate action. The BUG is something game-breaking, and so far devs used to fix them in few days.

WZ actually reveled some broken mechanics and need to stop existing in current state - well, until the next season or until said mechanics are fixed. Me (strangely unaffected by broken UI - how?) doing OK in WZ - but yes, it's broken. But don't get fooled that concept (improved, hopefully) will disappear - I'd much more like endgame shifted to high PL systems and to more diversity, or multiple welll thought-out possibilities - but ask yourself if you want substantial amount of work invested NOW in WZ, with uncertain result, or new content (with bugfixes, more 'normal' players are actually report them instead accusing UI)? 

This is not the only game in the universe, and spoiled kids would do well to take a little vacation - players will return with new content, even for a little while (oh, D3 had the same problems - season = 7 days, then everyone leaves)

6 years 93 days ago
Posted by Damoksta 6 years 93 days ago

I specifically joined just to add to the sentiments already mentioned by someone like Pham Nuwen, and currently rife on Reddit and Steam boards:

- No one cares about your roadmap in three months when most don't even know whether they'll be playing this game again in three days. My cabal of 30 is all but dead in activity.

- Right now you need to figure out how to make it worth the time to spend in your game. In 2 weeks, you literally lost about half of your peak player count:

- The game before the last update was barely bearable, but at least we had can grind towards the best synergistic built and grind for $ to re-roll weapon attributes and relic trait towards the viable builds in order to gamble time in Warzone.

- Right now there is ZERO purpose and NO entertainment/satisfaction value. By adding two additional degree of freedoms towards getting the correct gear for a viable build (relic attribute, and then getting a relic with said desired attributes)  you basically made the chance to work towards the optimal build even harder and even more remote.

- If your desire was to make people use the other perks and weapon traits rather than the select few, then make those other perks and traits equally viable. Right now, because of the broken mechanics, there is simply not many builds that are viable that will carry out to Warzone Battle 60+,

- Right now you are taking the lazy route of enforcing equality of outcome by forcing people to use relic traits handed to them by chance, and then force them to grind for the relic with the right traits before they can grind in Warzone. Don't be surprised when people give up spending time on your product.

If you recent changes was intended to get people to quit the game, it's working wonderfully.

That you cant change the relic is a bug and not intended, since it works on a few items, if you reroll another stat.

SO, in fact, if they fix it, yes you have a grindy endgame, but hey, take a look at Diablo 3. The same pattern with greater rifts. They didnt changed something i years. No rise of level, no new gamemode, nothing. 

Atleast Necrogames is trying to get some diversity in this game. 

Im glad, since they try atleast to keep updates running.  Yes, right now its a little strange, since you cant change your relics. But if you played the game for atleast 3 weeks before the patch and where grinding the endgame, you should have atleast 90% of the enchants you need.

For me its sounds you started playing this game, noticed that you have grinding in the endgame, all your cabal members have lost their will to play, so now you come here and brag how broken the game is.

Every ARPG has trouble staying alive over long time, some make it, some dont.

Im looking forward to these changes and hope the team will look more closley into bugs and exploits.

That would be my wish, that those bugs (aka the relic enchant bug) will get fixed sooner that at the moment.

6 years 93 days ago

I specifically joined just to add to the sentiments already mentioned by someone like Pham Nuwen, and currently rife on Reddit and Steam boards:

- No one cares about your roadmap in three months when most don't even know whether they'll be playing this game again in three days. My cabal of 30 is all but dead in activity.

- Right now you need to figure out how to make it worth the time to spend in your game. In 2 weeks, you literally lost about half of your peak player count:

- The game before the last update was barely bearable, but at least we had can grind towards the best synergistic built and grind for $ to re-roll weapon attributes and relic trait towards the viable builds in order to gamble time in Warzone.

- Right now there is ZERO purpose and NO entertainment/satisfaction value. By adding two additional degree of freedoms towards getting the correct gear for a viable build (relic attribute, and then getting a relic with said desired attributes)  you basically made the chance to work towards the optimal build even harder and even more remote.

- If your desire was to make people use the other perks and weapon traits rather than the select few, then make those other perks and traits equally viable. Right now, because of the broken mechanics, there is simply not many builds that are viable that will carry out to Warzone Battle 60+,

- Right now you are taking the lazy route of enforcing equality of outcome by forcing people to use relic traits handed to them by chance, and then force them to grind for the relic with the right traits before they can grind in Warzone. Don't be surprised when people give up spending time on your product.

If you recent changes was intended to get people to quit the game, it's working wonderfully.

6 years 93 days ago
I would also like to have Engine optimizations for low to mid end setups. Now it seems that decreasing graphics settings doesn't give you valuable performance gain. 
6 years 93 days ago

Please fix existing content, bring more Map Variations. even existing maps we Dont See anymore after Story, bring em back, some Look realy realy good.

To have a Plan for your game is great, but if u dont fix asap the game in the actual state, nobody will ne there to play it in season 3(2)

Its realy Like you are trying to calm us down with Infos nobody is asking for anymore. Some of us Are afraid to Lose a big Chance for having fun because your small Team is not fixing problems known since alpha.  

Im sure u can rescue this game. Work harder and Listen more to us 

6 years 94 days ago
Oh boy, does it include a console release not being pushed back another month?
6 years 94 days ago
Well that is a frame of roadmap and we alredy had the information that is on it.

It would be good whit more information on eatch part, and what is working and what is not

and what you are going to do about it, ex "there is to litle map variation, we are working to make an map generator " cohgh

if i remmeber corectly it was said that the game would have tiles and that a map generator would take the tiles and make

random maps, haven't seen it or heard anymore on that subject!

6 years 94 days ago
Posted by Peredur 6 years 95 days ago

Some feedbacks on the roadmap:

- Having Season #1 stated as "Free  Update" and Season #2 and #3 simply as "Update" makes it look like those are not free (but they were announced as free too)

- Having "Increased level cap" for Season #1 and "Increased level and PR cap" for Season #2 makes it look like there will be no increase in PR cap for Season #1 (it's said here there will be an increase for PR too but no everyone will read here)
- Having three column "Next", "Later" and "Past" is strange. It would be more logical to have "Past", "Next" and "Later" (a chronological order)
- All patches are not listed in the last column

Why not simply use an existing tool like Trello for the roadmap? Many dev use it and it's quite effective (and free).

Thanks - of course, all Season updates will be free.

The later Seasons have less details listed because they may be subject to change based on S1 feedback, I think.

Trello was considered (in fact I made a complete roadmap in Trello) but the idea was scrapped.

6 years 94 days ago
Thank you Neocore, excellent news :)
6 years 94 days ago
Posted by Zushakon 6 years 94 days ago
I'm wondering about the future and Update#2.  I notice that one doesn't say free.  Will that be a paid dlc? 

Where does it explicitely say that #1 is free and #2 is not?

I would expect them to get this game out of early beta status into something actually release-worthy before even thinking of charging money again, well, not expect, more like ...hope.

[edit:] my bad, sorry, yea it says "free" for #1 and does not for #2, I hope that's just a typo...

This comment was edited 6 years 94 days ago by Tao12345
6 years 94 days ago
I'm wondering about the future and Update#2.  I notice that one doesn't say free.  Will that be a paid dlc? 
6 years 94 days ago
Posted by Bobzzo 6 years 94 days ago
Nice "wishes" on the road  map  Megapull / Neocore. I hope they'll transform into real actions as well.

I've enjoyed Van Helsing back in the days, I am enjoying the Martyr even more now. I definitely see progress in terms of visual performance and bug fixing - so I cannot speak to the rest of the community but for me you stick to your word and I appreciate that.

Don't give up on that game and don't give up on the loyal fans you have, and sooner or later this game will become the W40k ARPG it deserves to be!


And what this guy says! :)
6 years 94 days ago
Yeah, I like the look of the new roadmap and am excited to see what you do with your game.

Regarding the warzone - I've read a lot of the player feedback, and having played a little of the Warzone myself, I would have to agree with a lot of what's been said - however I could cope with all of it, with exception of no loot (or rubbish loot).  For an end game - it really is about the loot and that (for me) would be my only change.

Finally though, I would like to add that I really enjoy your game and I feel you've done the licence proud.  A big thank you for all the hard work and effort put into by the Neocore team.  Its a shame that a majority of posts are so toxic, and that no credit for the good work is given.

6 years 94 days ago
Nice "wishes" on the road  map  Megapull / Neocore. I hope they'll transform into real actions as well.

I've enjoyed Van Helsing back in the days, I am enjoying the Martyr even more now. I definitely see progress in terms of visual performance and bug fixing - so I cannot speak to the rest of the community but for me you stick to your word and I appreciate that.

Don't give up on that game and don't give up on the loyal fans you have, and sooner or later this game will become the W40k ARPG it deserves to be!


6 years 95 days ago
Pham Nuwen
1-2 weeks and the game would be grate again(for average playerbase of 600). God emperor need your trust again 
6 years 95 days ago
When a game is as broken as yours it's not uncommon to make a bullet point highlighting a bug squashing session.  Even if it's not listing specific fixes, you're at least pointing out that a significant portion of the timeline is going to be devoted to it.  You haven't even done that and in fact have gone the opposite direction, explicitly stating that you're not really working on feedback until after season 1.  

I just don't understand how you can be so blind to it.  It's all over the subreddit, it's all over the steam forums, it's all over these forums.  Fix the broken skills and weapons.  No one gives a crap about future content if the game is barely playable.  People are quitting left and right because most classes can only be played one way and it's not worth the effort to try and figure out what that is.
6 years 95 days ago

Some feedbacks on the roadmap:

- Having Season #1 stated as "Free  Update" and Season #2 and #3 simply as "Update" makes it look like those are not free (but they were announced as free too)

- Having "Increased level cap" for Season #1 and "Increased level and PR cap" for Season #2 makes it look like there will be no increase in PR cap for Season #1 (it's said here there will be an increase for PR too but no everyone will read here)
- Having three column "Next", "Later" and "Past" is strange. It would be more logical to have "Past", "Next" and "Later" (a chronological order)
- All patches are not listed in the last column

Why not simply use an existing tool like Trello for the roadmap? Many dev use it and it's quite effective (and free).

6 years 95 days ago
Posted by Pham Nuwen 6 years 95 days ago
The fact that fixes aren't on the map at all indicates that you still continue to prioritize your theoretical plan far greater than the actual community reception of the game.

The fixes aren't on here because this is a static roadmap before the dynamic one gets developed (as stated in the article).

The final version will have the fix updates in it as well.

Even more so, for pretty obvious reasons, fix updates can't really be planned so they would appear on a roadmap 1-2 weeks before they get released.

This comment was edited 6 years 95 days ago by Megapull
6 years 95 days ago
The fact that fixes aren't on the map at all indicates that you still continue to prioritize your theoretical plan far greater than the actual community reception of the game.
6 years 95 days ago
I can't wait to see the new season update when it hits, especially looking forward to the new Dark Eldar!

You guys are doing great work!