Horrible visual glitches and tearing


As the title says, after this update new visual problems have appeared:

Constant vertical tearing across the middle of the screen. Same settings as always, no change apart from starting a new seasonal character.

This post was edited 2 years 71 days ago by Lankester
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Horrible visual glitches and tearing
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2 years 69 days ago

Not sure if this helps you, but I've had some screen tearing at times, took me a while and a lot of searching forums and also testing it, but I don't get any tearing now on my Ryzen 3700X/RTX3070. These are the graphic settings I have on, it might help:

Advanced Settings:

Character/Shadow/Physics details all at maximum

Texture detail High

FPS Limit: No limit

Limit FPS: not ticked

Temporal AA: not ticked

High Shaders: On

Subsurface Scattering: On

High Effects: Off

V-Syc: Off

Frame Blending: Off (depending on your rig you might want to test turning this on)

No Soft Coronas: On

Disable Camera Shake: Off

Sync CPU to GPU: Off (depending on your rig you might want to test turning this on)

Enable weather settings: On

Warp Heat Effects: On

Persistent Corpses: 0 (I doubt this makes any difference but depending on your rig might take some weight off your graphics card, I don't need it off, but really with the amount of enemies you can have on the screen it looks very messy in the room when everything is dead)

I also run in Windows borderless mode cos I am alt tabbing in and out, as sometimes I have to check something on another monitor or check my streaming apps (SLOBS, etc) to make sure they're fine and respond to chat in text if needed.

But for some reason, and I'm not sure why even though my rig can handle it, High Effects tends to be the main culprit of the screen tearing, but you could also try having Temporal AA on or off. But most settings don't apply until you quit and restart the game.

Hope that helps.

2 years 71 days ago

A couple more (see mapinfo). At this point it's safe to say this problem shows up regularly - most missions so far.

Also, thanks for the new avatar frame. I thought it was ultra rare or something, but it doesn't seem so.

This comment was edited 2 years 71 days ago by Lankester
2 years 71 days ago

Forgot to add mapinfo, didn't I...

Only some missions seem to be affected, so far Nurgle indoors and frozen island siege, but not the urban map (siege as well).

This comment was edited 2 years 71 days ago by Lankester