Four Bugs with with Martyr ver 1.2.1 [PC]


1. Using a controller - you can now target some corpses that are on the ground - these are scenery, not corpses your character has made.  They are the ones cut in half - legs and torso, and the same model with entrails on the floor.  Note: that I think these characters may be dead ;)

2. With no graphic settings changed the Maps Nebula's have lost their 'cloudy' effect that was in the earlier versions. (changed in version 1.2.0).

3. Relic Hunter perk still broken - if you fail any of the chests - it resets to zero but won't count new ones afterwards.

4. On the stats pages your Inquisitor model is High Res in the Character and Inventory Tabs and Low Res in the Heroic and Progression Tabs.

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Four Bugs with with Martyr ver 1.2.1 [PC]
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6 years 147 days ago

yes, these corpses can be highlighted but you cannot aim at them!
Thank you for the rest, we will deal with these issues ASAP!