Fix log in problem


So, I guess this company  is no better than Bethesda, EA who can't fix the problems with their games either. Not good since I found out this problem has been happening since rollout. Shame on you folks, take our hard on money and no F!@#s given .  Not even the community board moderator(s) can leave a reply to tell us customers what they are doing to fix the problem.  Will definitely do better research on your games before I drop another dime on anyone of them . 

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Fix log in problem
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5 years 320 days ago
Thank you for fixing the log-in problem. I really am hook on this game. 
5 years 320 days ago

The issue has been resolved on our end, the servers are running fine again. Our apologize for the inconvenience this matter may have caused! 

5 years 321 days ago


We are working on the problem, I will notify all of you here once the connection has been restored!

This comment was edited 5 years 320 days ago by Marcopolocs
5 years 321 days ago
I just got this game for xbox and enjoyed it for what little time I played yesterday. All day it's been the log in issue and i have to say the game is going back to EB Games. I get a 2 day grace to return it no questions. How the hell can such a crap issue even be? Seriously. 

This does not hurt you for this game, I am black listing you as a developer. I will tell my friends. I will post a review on xbox. I will do same for every other developer too. I no longer buy COD games because of their garbage. Bethesda and EA are both on probation.  So far it seems Ubisoft is the only ine that learns for their and everyone elses mistakes.

Since this is the only game of yours I have tried I am not even giving you a chance now especially after the other developers. To be honest every GW has been more on the disappointing side as they never spend the money to get a good developer. I thought you may have got it right at first but I am clearly mistaken given how long this has been an issue.

The fan boys that support bad products for love of lore need to smarten up and stop DLC purchases for cosmetic garbage while the game is so flawed.