

Hello everyone!

I know that this topic was discussed hundreds of times, and I read everything thoroughly, but still can't manage to make execution even once. 

I play with crusader at PS4 pro, controls are standard, execution chance is max. I use no items giving chance for bleeding or poisoning, only simple melee attacks but still execution never happened, I was never able to see enemy with only 1 HP remaining. I cannot execute even hellbrutes, although it is said in the internet that they are executed automatically when the last hit is made with melee weapon.

Could anyone advise me what to do? Is it some kind of bug at PS4 which requires patch (like with Angel of Death) or am I missing something so obvious that nobody even mentioned it in topics regarding execution? 


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267 days ago
This comment was deleted 264 days ago by oeregharcos
3 years 213 days ago
Anyway, hope you get it fixed. I never had any trouble with Executions, at all.
3 years 216 days ago
Brother Kundari
If your talking about "enable elaborate executions" it does not disable/enable executions, it just disables the slo-mo camera and the panning.
3 years 216 days ago
Well, when it is said, or not said, depends on how you see it. Have any of you actually been having a look at Options, and seen what it says there?

You do know it is possible to turn Executions On and Off there, right?

3 years 216 days ago
I can proc executions on my crusader non stop, my assassin is another story, even with two handed weapons they just dont happen.
3 years 220 days ago
Yea, this is the way to go. Execute them all by Lightning. ZZzaap them all. And the ring there I assume is the Fire Aura Doctrine thingy.
3 years 225 days ago
I tried all options: single handed melee with pistol or shield, two handed melee, but only single melee with second hand empty worked. Anyways, I managed to solve it, but I found much more obvious bug with Uprooting Evil trophy, could you please check my respective topic?
3 years 225 days ago
Did you equip a pistol maybe in your other hand?
3 years 226 days ago
Thanks for the advice, I finally solved the mistery. The matter is, for me it works only with a single-handed melee weapon with the other hand empty. When I tried this option, I obtained the trophy in just 2 missions (25 executions for mission). 
3 years 227 days ago

Try to target specifically missions with World Bearer and Black Legion enemies. I think all of my executions were against their Chaos Engines, specifically "World Bearers Hellbrute" and the Chaos Engine with energy shields from Black Legion (I don't remember the name).

But I wouldn't be surprised if it simply doesn't work on PS4 :)

At the end of this video you can briefly see the Hellbrute staying at 1 HP and my character starts running towards him for an execution move, which I interrupted.

3 years 227 days ago
Thanks for your reply, but I do have all skills increasing the execution chance and even equipped two items having +9.4% bonus together, but still execution label NEVER appears. What should I do? Maybe it is some kind of bug? Or maybe execution is available only in certain game regimes or something?
3 years 227 days ago
Yes, an Execution label appears and you can perform it by pressing X on PS4.

The Execution skill tree increases the chance, that is essential, otherwise you will very rarely get the option.

3 years 231 days ago
There is no "Execution" mentioned in controls on PS4, but people say it is also X. The matter is, execution never triggers, I have never seen an enemy with one HP remaining, scull icon above the enemy, sign "press X to execute" or whatever. It seems something is wrong with execution on consoles after the last update.
3 years 231 days ago
On PC you have to press X to use execution after it procs. I have no clue which button does it on PS4, consult the controls section in options.
3 years 231 days ago
Upd: Checked my storage and found two items that increase execution chance by almost 10%. Nothing changed, still 0/50