Does cabal missions even work? (Solved)


--- Solution ---

Cabal missions seem to have two kind of "materials" :

1. The regular kind that you use when crafting or modifying items. This can also drop. These do not show in your inventory, they go straight to the "Omicron Arkh" guy. You can donate from his screen (If you do not have the crafting guy yet, you get him in a later mission). I have not donated like this myself but my cabal mate has.

2. Mission specific drops. These do not gointo your inventory either, they go straight to the mission car in the cabal screen. If you have auto loot on you will probably never see these drops at all. That was the way it was for me. I thought I never got any drops and could not see the "donate" button. These you do NOT donate, they go straight to the progression bar of the mission when they are picked up.

There might be more types of missions/loot but I have not seen them yet. Don't get anymore cabal missions until next week. :-(

--- The Emperor Protects ---

Are Cabal missions even functioning? I have probably ran more than a hundred missions since I started the cabal but so far not a single point registred and not a singe drop received (which I assume some of the things you are supposed to get are). Is it broken?

This post was edited 4 years 290 days ago by Bimpa
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Does cabal missions even work? (Solved)
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4 years 286 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 4 years 289 days ago
Ok, just found out something that helped me out regarding this whole thing. And I would also like to throw in the the F-word here, since that was the actual word I said during figuring out an issue with htis whole thing here.

If I only could have tried this a bit earlier, eh??!!? Again... Fill in the F-word here.

Found the little "donation button" unter the bar with the progress ¿¿ :-P

During my starting days with martyr i had the same "F***-Moment" when i figured it out after hours without any progress.

Its a great and entertaining game, but there a certainly a few more "F***-Moments" waiting for us. *g* 

4 years 289 days ago
Ok, just found out something that helped me out regarding this whole thing. And I would also like to throw in the the F-word here, since that was the actual word I said during figuring out an issue with htis whole thing here.

If I only could have tried this a bit earlier, eh??!!? Again... Fill in the F-word here.

4 years 289 days ago
I have to agree on some of these things regarding the Cabal Missions. In some cases it works splendidly well, and in other cases actually nothing happens at all and nothing get registered underneath anything. Ar least not under what I am able to sse, that is. Take Chemykal Reagents for instance. I have seen this Cabal Objective many a times along with a couple others I can´t remember the name of.

Now, Chemiycal Reagents, collect 20 of them it says. Ok, I go do Missions where I know I am actually capable to get those ingredients in/from. I clearly see that some is also picked up during the Mission. But always, and I mean ALWAYS, when I get out of Mission and is done with it, absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING have been registered within the Cabal directive.

And this is also the case of some other ingredients. Just doesn´t get registered at all, but you KNOW it has been found/picked up. It is the same for if you salvage some items to get that/those specific ingredients. Absolutely NOTHING get registered. How are you gonna be even able to upgrade your Cabal if half of all the ingredients never get´s registered?!

So, yes, something is absolutely totally wrong here. Some things never works as it should.

4 years 290 days ago
Can you give me some advice how to get more xp? Im in a 3 man cabal and we got 4xp for the first mission, highest about 10xp. Done the 6 missions the last 2 weeks and we are at 40/200.  
4 years 293 days ago
there are some missions where you need to donate items in the command bridge, then there are some items that are simple pickups that function the same as credits, simply walking close will auto pick up. they will also be in white like Credits/resources. some of these pickups only drop from a very specific enemy and so you can play as many missions as you like but if it's not the right enemy you will get nothing. for example, my current cabal mission is to collect unholy codexes. they will only drop from word bearer chaos space marines. hope this helps  
4 years 293 days ago
Now the counter has gone up, one full bar and about 1/10 of the next. I have not donated anything... I do not have a clue what is going on! :-)

4 years 294 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 294 days ago
You need to donate the farmed materials only then can you level up your Cabal. 

The donation can be done under the Cabal objective tab which appears on the right side when you are on the Command Bridge.

What mats? :-) I get nothing...
4 years 294 days ago
You need to donate the farmed materials only then can you level up your Cabal. 

The donation can be done under the Cabal objective tab which appears on the right side when you are on the Command Bridge.