Dismemberment and ragdoll effects showcased completely missing


Not much to say: Features showcased are not in the final game, not even on Xbox One X. I paid 79,99€ for the Imperium edition. This is not the game as advertised. Strangely enough Diablo 3 (console version) appears to have no problem with that. There I see entire walls collapse and limbs flying freely away (even with realistic physics). In Martyr my crusader clumsily stumbles around obstacles as they are -unlike advertised- not destructible. 

I feel deliberately misled. And I am not the only one, should you ever bother to read the forums. 

Do not try to tell us its hardware constraints when even 6 year old games like Diablo 3 - console version - can display destructible environments and ragdoll / dismemberment animations without any noticable slowdowns(and the graphics are by no means worse than Inquisitor Martyr's). 

When are you intending on adding these missing and showcased features? I have not found anything regarding these glaring issues - neither on the Roadmap or in any of the patchnotes -. 

It's a slap in the face for everyone who bought this game for console. And you don't even bother to respond. It is a disgrace. We deserve an answer

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Dismemberment and ragdoll effects showcased completely missing
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6 years 188 days ago
Posted by drakau 6 years 189 days ago

No problem I can sympathise. I had the skill reset today also but hey, free respec I guess? 

Certainly one way of looking at it ^^. Now I have to add one last thing referring to one of your first comment that missing destructible environents was hardly game breaking. I beg to differ. Please allow me to elaborate:

It simply is *not* just a cosmetic issue. It also limits my ability to adapt to certain combat scenarios. Just think about it for a moment: I decided to play a melee crusader. Melee crusaders have the option to equip a "storm shield", which - in theory - would allow to quickly close in on the enemy (in a dash forward move): Firstly, you will not dispute the fact that - with only melee weapons equipped - I am at an undeniable disadvantage against enemies with ranged weapons until I can actually attack them, as I first have to close the gap before I can even engage, while they can open up as soon as I come into weapons range.

And secondly please do consider for a moment that I am supposedly wearing power armor, which would theoretically allow me (if the game had the features the devs promised it would have) to even smash through walls. Now you can argue that I am not a Space Marine. On the other hand though I have killed enough space marines in Martyr to feel confident enough to say that obviously my melee crusader is on par with them. This also implies that boh my armor and weapons must be on par with theirs.

Having said that, closing the gap in a dash-like move (when equipping the aforementioned storm shield) sounds nice in theory. But in order for it to effectively work this would require the game to actually have destructible environment we have been fencing words over..... Scenario: I see a group of enemies: I target the chaos marine in the middle of the group as I consider him the biggest threat and want to dispose him first. I target him, hit "dash forward" to engage and am stopped by........ a lone tin barrel which I overlooked. 

Let it melt on your tongue: A melee crusader in power armor rushing forward is stopped by a small tin barrel as if he ran into a 3m concrete wall. In other words: It takes the incentive away to even equip a storm shield at this point, even if it has better stats, as - personally speaking - I dont want to play the game with a calculator to ascertain the right angle, just so I can pull off my attack without running into indestructible pipes or tiny objects. For if that happens this takes all advantage I might have had away from me and the enemy can open up on me freely while I again clumsily move around an obstacle that does not even reach my crusader's knees.

If the game was actually finished I should be able to simply smash through laughable objects such as these mighty tin barrel or the occasional metal pipe - as my character probably weighs around 300-500 kilogram in power armor (this is the part where the nerds can jump in and tell me how much average power armor weighs :P). Do you see where I am going with this? Sometimes I did not even see the obstacle. I dashed into..... something. I have therefore given up on the storm shield until they implement the feature. So apart from the cosmetic issue (and the fact that even the ingame tutorial boasts that most of the environment is destructible) it also takes tactical options away from me which would allow me to alter my playstyle (=lack of variety) or adapt to certain combat scenarios, etc. Nuf said I believe. I see I have written a novel again

6 years 189 days ago

No problem I can sympathise. I had the skill reset today also but hey, free respec I guess? 

This comment was edited 6 years 189 days ago by drakau
6 years 189 days ago
Posted by drakau 6 years 189 days ago

I think it's pretty misleading too (it's the first thing mentioned in the trailer on the game's store page ffs) However, there are threads already in existence, and it's hardly 'a slap in the face'. The other bugs like targeting, and inoculations firing off on their own, missions not being completable etc are things to get fired up about imo.

Sorry for the typos. I write from tablet and the keyboard is a mess
6 years 189 days ago
Posted by drakau 6 years 189 days ago

I think it's pretty misleading too (it's the first thing mentioned in the trailer on the game's store page ffs) However, there are threads already in existence, and it's hardly 'a slap in the face'. The other bugs like targeting, and inoculations firing off on their own, missions not being completable etc are things to get fired up about imo.

On that; Simply by looking at the "roadmap" and the devs posted "to do list" of issues they still have to polish - in supposedly finished game I want to stresss here - one can  deduce with quite high confidence that they essentially sold an unfinished game (a beta version if you will) and charged full price. In my case 80€, one of the reasons why I get all hyped up. I pay 80 Euros and then don't even have the features they showcased in their release trailer on top of other glaring bugs. 

I am sure you can relate to my "displeasure" in light of that fact. I basically spent 80 bucks on a game that is nowhere where it should be when comparing trailer vs actual gameplay. And we get to be the beta testers (or well in that light we do agree to some degree when I give it a second thought ^^).. To top it off the devs are not even responding to any of the threads on the forums. I call this bad business practice. I dislike playing money horse, another thing I am convinced you can understand. And that is -- with all due respect - a slap in the face of your customers.

On a sidenote I did mention some of the things (like the messed up targeting) in another thread as well.  I compiled a list of all bugs (which did not all revolve around the missing features they showed in the gameplay trailer ;))I had encountered: For exampe in addition to the messed up targeting this annoying clipping where objects flicker in and out of existence (I guess you have seen that as well), inexplicable slowdowns or the fact that sometimes you can point at a given mission objective all you want.. your character will *still* run to the medical supply, no matter how vigorously you point at the orbital cannon you are supposed to disable (unless you position yourself just far enough away that your character will finally does what he is supposed to do)....

Or that the character charges right at the enemy all leeroy jenkins style, without you having any chance of stopping him (for example straight through a mind field, because apparently he flies into berserker rage as soon he sees traitor guardsmen). I presume at higher difficulties that could pose to be a problem. The other things you mentioned I haven't encountered myself. My character has never been injected without me pressing the button.

Then there are tooltips referring to the PC version (for instance I am supposed to control AI allies pressing F. There is no F button on the Xbox controller). Some abilities are not explained at all. Is it enough to equip a shield, or do I need to press a button to deflect attacks? I could go on and on and on. And that's why I say this game is not fiinished. It's  beta. I do believe you will find it hard to just close your eyes and pretend this is a polished, well designed game. I mean it is fun. 

But it is bug riddled that I could write at least 10 things down without even having to give it some thought because they jump straight in my face everytime I play it. A few minutes ago I fired the game up and suddenly all my skill points had resetted. I had not done anything. I even finished a game without any skills assigned before I read the tooltip by chance. And all of this should not be happebubg in a supposedly polished, finished game. And again that *is* a slap in the face of your customers. They take our money and deliver a late beta version and sell it at retail price. Or how would you call such a business practice?

6 years 189 days ago

I think it's pretty misleading too (it's the first thing mentioned in the trailer on the game's store page ffs) However, there are threads already in existence, and it's hardly 'a slap in the face'. The other bugs like targeting, and inoculations firing off on their own, missions not being completable etc are things to get fired up about imo.

This comment was edited 6 years 189 days ago by drakau
6 years 189 days ago
Posted by drakau 6 years 189 days ago
How many more threads do we need about dismemberment and terrain? It's hardly game breaking!
Oh annd just on a sidenonte its not purely the cosmetics. How many times has supposedly fully destructible environment blocked my path during missions? I lost count. Wouldnt you expect a crusader in power armor to smash through some tiny barrels instead of getting stuck at the edge? Or that they would at least be carved in two when you hack at them with your chainsword? It kills the immersion, its as simple as that. But, even though I am repeating myself: If you are happy with a hal-finished game after essentially having lied to you are free to enjoy this game. 

All I know is they can't pull "the hardware cant handle it" because then I would wonder how Blizzard managed destructible environments and flying limbs for the console version of Diablo 3. But yea, if you are happy helplessly running into mines because you cant target them, dont mind that the environment is completely statiic, cover simply vanishes when it has lost its durability this is fine for me. I want what I paid for and what they showed in the trailer. Why show something that is not even in the game? How would you call that? I call it f*cking ppl over. But go ahead and enjoy it all you want. 

On a sidenote though: I did not even say that I didnt like the game. But it would be so much better if the features we were promised were actually there. If you cannot even understand that I cannot help you anymore

6 years 189 days ago
Posted by drakau 6 years 189 days ago
How many more threads do we need about dismemberment and terrain? It's hardly game breaking!
No but it kills immersion. 

And if you complain so much about the numerous threads I am obviously not the only person bothered by it (and you my friend are in the minority).

Furthermore it begs the question why there is zero response from the devs. 

To conclude: If this doesnt bother you this is you. It does -however- bother many people who bought the game. I simply want what I paid for and what was showcased right before launh as opposed to a castrated version of the game. I paid 80€ after all. 

You would not buy 2 apples for the price of 4 either (if you will forgive me this clumsy comparison). What they sold is is simply not what they promised. So console players were deliberately misled to cash in (or the game wasnt ready for launch, 2nd possibility). 

But you can lie yourself things pretty for all I care. I - again - want what I paid for and what I was shown right before launch. Nuf said.

6 years 189 days ago
How many more threads do we need about dismemberment and terrain? It's hardly game breaking!
6 years 189 days ago