Damage not right in Co-op


I just played a match with someone from the US (I'm from EU) on a mission with -30% damage dealt modifier and my damage was severely lower than it should be. I play impossible tarots and 1 shot most elites with my sniper but in a hard difficulty mission in co-op I needed 5 or 6 shots, it would display 20K criticals and the enemies would have 5K/6K total HP but they wouldn't die. What's up with that?

Edit: Just to add up, it isn't just the sniper shot that has the damage reduced, it's all damage dealt.

Edit2: Tested this with another EU player and the same issue happened.

Edit3: Turns out sometimes I can snipe an enemy that I only deal 2K damage and has double or triple the amount of health and dies where other enemies with far less health don't die when I should severely overkill them.

Edit4: It seems that all ranged weapons are bugged.

Edit5: After some psyker testing it seems that the same issue afflicts the character.

Edit6: The damage caused by all psyker spells seem to suffer the same issue as every other ranged weapon but their warp rods do not.

Edit7: There may be some issues with critical damage, some non crit damage that would finish off an enemy actually works and kills that enemy.

This post was edited 6 years 241 days ago by RwWolf
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Damage not right in Co-op
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6 years 241 days ago
Posted by RwWolf 6 years 243 days ago
Thank you for your constructive feedback, you clearly missed the point of the issues here.

If you one shot ANY mob in Coop the game would be pointless.

6 years 241 days ago
I played Co-Op with RwWolf today by doing an impossible difficulty tarot mission and I can attest that ranged dmg was very low.

After that I did a solo impossible difficulty tarot mission and my dmg was back to normal.

6 years 243 days ago
Posted by Dallaen 6 years 243 days ago
So let me get this right.  You want the Coop to be a total face roll fest like the single player is?  Yeah that would give the shelf life of this game about 1 month.  Just because you are an assassin doesn't mean you get to one shot everything in Coop as well.  Coop is all about working TOGETHER as a group to overcome to the obstacles.
Thank you for your constructive feedback, you clearly missed the point of the issues here.
6 years 243 days ago
So let me get this right.  You want the Coop to be a total face roll fest like the single player is?  Yeah that would give the shelf life of this game about 1 month.  Just because you are an assassin doesn't mean you get to one shot everything in Coop as well.  Coop is all about working TOGETHER as a group to overcome to the obstacles.
6 years 243 days ago

He's right, When I'm solo I can feel the power behind my sniper shots but when I go into multiplayer, my damage is always halved. I can no longer one shot elites with my patient max charge aimed shot and can no longer one shot small adds with a simple single shot. Missions take twice as long and the reward is the same. I'll deal a 27000 crit to an Elite who only has 8k HP, makes no sense. Sumajin mentioned perks and traits not working in multiplayer as well and I can confirm, Rapid Elimination Protocol, Does not work. I use it a lot but have to switch when I go to Co-op.

This comment was edited 6 years 243 days ago by Vilebroth
6 years 243 days ago
I have been playing with RwWolf and can confirm there are some serious damage issues with some weapons. Some perks also do not trigger. My autofire on the autogun usually kills a space marine within 10 seconds. In co-op, I can hardly damage them.

I can also attest to the fact that regardless of what any players level is in the group, the damage taken and received is based on the difficulty modifier numbers %dmg taken and %dmg dealt.

6 years 244 days ago
Posted by Zardoz4 6 years 244 days ago
Who selected that mission? It's important, since the game will decrease (or increase) you character's damage if you're of higher (or lower) level than the person that's leading the group.

That could be the cause why your experience was different than playing solo.

It doesn't matter who starts it, only thing that matters is the % multiplier of damage dealt/taken. I tested it.
6 years 244 days ago
Posted by akathanam 6 years 244 days ago

And aren't the mobs scaled to the number of players (tougher + do more damage in multiplayer)?

Not as far as I know, and when you hit something for 30K damage and its max health is 4K and only loses less than 1K then something is very wrong.

6 years 244 days ago

And aren't the mobs scaled to the number of players (tougher + do more damage in multiplayer)?

This comment was edited 6 years 244 days ago by akathanam
6 years 244 days ago
Who selected that mission? It's important, since the game will decrease (or increase) you character's damage if you're of higher (or lower) level than the person that's leading the group.

That could be the cause why your experience was different than playing solo.