Controller Feedback


Feel free to release any feedback about the controller support...

This post was edited 7 years 132 days ago by Darths
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Controller Feedback
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7 years 131 days ago

Nice @DARTHS‍ . The only time I will be using a controller will be with steam link. Will be waiting for it.

7 years 131 days ago

Hmm, interesting thoughts with the usage of controller and mouse togeather... By the way the controller layout will be configurable later and we are planning to implement the Steam Works Controller API because of the Steam controller. Thanks for the feedback! ;)

7 years 132 days ago

My early impression is good, but I have some wishes.

My biggest wish is that gamepad should NOT be exclusive on PC -I mean using gamepad should not stop the mouse from working. Plus all gamepad buttons should be configurable. Mouse is just much better when using the trader or crafting, as example.

I've been using gamepad along with Xpadder for some time now. I use left hand on gamepad(xbox) with access to movement stick, dpad, left bumper and trigger. With my right hand on the mouse with 5 buttons. This is an extremely fun and effective control scheme, giving the accuracy of mouse, alongside comfort of gamepad. Allowing BOTH gamepad and mouse to function together, would be good imo.

Apart from the above, I thought the menus and buttons were well laid out and looked good. I'll play some more and see if I have any other feedback.

7 years 132 days ago

Thanks and yeah, the new chat system can mess the things up yet and you could stuck in an unresponsible state... We will fix this issue soon. 

This comment was edited 7 years 132 days ago by Darths
7 years 132 days ago

Hello Darths,

I found that it´s working pretty good for my, but I need to get used to it. I always prefered to use the keyboard.

Also I´ve noticed that opening ingame chat during a mission, somehow freezes the game ( I can see the enemies moving around, but I can´t do anything). Keep up the good job guys.