cinematic sound bug on PC


the sound on cinematic is delayed from the cinematic as well as the subtitle .I'm actually playing with french language,i've tried to delete the cinematic file and verify through steam but the bug is still here. Any idea of what to do ? the bug seems to be fix with english subtitles

This post was edited 6 years 155 days ago by kelstrel
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cinematic sound bug on PC
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6 years 148 days ago
Allright so after the total reinstallation it seems that the delay comes from a low fps bug during the cinematics(around 17 average fps).But I must say that with your latest update the games seems a lot more smoothier good job ! 

here are my specs if needed :

Laptot MSI GE62 6QF Apache pro :

16go RAM

Nvidia 970M

Intel I5-6300HQ

and i'm running the game from my HDD

6 years 150 days ago
Please get back to me with the results! 
6 years 151 days ago
i did it several times and nothing happened,maybe i should just do a clean reinstall.
6 years 151 days ago
As we tested it seems fine while using the french localization. Would you please verify game integrity on Steam and check afterward if it works?
6 years 152 days ago
As i've just began the game the bug occured on every cinematics directly from the pre-menu cinematics,but also for the intro when you begin a new character.So i would say that it's present on every videos.I actually have no more clue about what caused it unfortunately.
6 years 152 days ago

could you please recall the mission or the conversation where this issue was present?
It would greatly help us tracking down the problem!
Thank you in advance!