Can’t talk to Ragna


Says talk to Ragna. She says same thing over and over then I can’t talk to her at all or access the store. 

Store Page
Can’t talk to Ragna
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6 years 35 days ago
Its the exact same for me. Store is stuck in a loop and I can't buy from the store. Im on ps4
6 years 35 days ago
Well , and you didn't .friday is gone , and critical bug still exists. you are handling your problems like bethesda with fallout 76. Martyr is really well done game beautifull well overthought and yet it recivee mixed revievs bavause of the way you handle problems and bugs. so much effort on designing the game is lost because of such details
6 years 39 days ago

we will handle the matter this week (by Friday the problem will be resolved entirely for sure).