Cant play with others


Game crashes every time we (a friend and i) try and play together.

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Cant play with others
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5 years 7 days ago

According to other reports the issue seems to be some constructs' equipments. We will deeply investigate the issue and will correct the problem in the shortest time possible. Our apologize for the caused inconvenience.

This comment was edited 5 years 7 days ago by Marcopolocs
5 years 9 days ago
So a friend and I just tried several different things none of us have items with that on it but it seems to be on Xbox one anytime we try to launch a multiplayer mission of any type and we have one or more tech adept in the party
5 years 10 days ago
Could you please tell whether you or your friend has any Ancient relic item with the following requirement on it: Consume {resource} ?