Can't Disable Floating Text, Cover Markers


I unticked all boxes, but I still get these two. For some reason, of all floating text, I appear to only get life-drain information, or some such -- it's exclusively green numbers. The size of the text - these numbers actually - corresponds to the floating text size setting: small when I set that to "small."

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Can't Disable Floating Text, Cover Markers
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5 years 249 days ago

We checked on the cover button and it seems to be working properly. Please tick it in the Gameplay options and it should re-appear.

5 years 251 days ago

The cover prompts, by the way, have turned into mere cover highlights. I get the yellow placement circles which highlight potential cover spots that are nearby, but now without the button name (which was and would be L1, on PS4).

5 years 251 days ago

The green numbers are healing numbers and those cannot be turned off currently but we already changed this on our end and you can disable it by unticking the Floating Battle Info after the release of Patch 2.0