Cannot select characters/characters not visible


Log in and could not see the character I created last night to play. Could create, so did that. Played that character for a bit and then got dropped by 'The NeoCore Server has disconnected. Return to the Title Screen' (paraphrased). Went to title, went to pick character and no characters are displayed. 

Went to create another one and now I'm being told I'm at my character limit - please delete one. However, I cannot see them to delete or select. 

Please advise. 

Store Page
Cannot select characters/characters not visible
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5 years 288 days ago
Also - uninstalled and reinstalled. Still getting character limit message and no characters are visible to select or delete. 
5 years 288 days ago
If needed, the gamertag is Jekyll Pope and the last character name was Heinrich Xhan. Another character is Jasiroh Razidhe

None of these are visible to select. Since I cannot create a new character, I am now effectively unable to launch the game. 

Please advise. 

5 years 287 days ago


got the same problem!

Please help!

5 years 287 days ago
Devs - When looking into this --- if it helps, just delete my characters. I wasnt that far into the game. 

It seems that this issue is tied to my ID somehow because I can log in and play as her ID because no characters assigned to her. 

Maybe that helps dig around on it and fix?