Cannot proceed in campaign missions


Account name: TheLeadingMan

Platform: PS5

Character name: Hendrake

I have the mission to meet inquisitor mercer (Prophecy: The Gathering storm) but there is no option anywhere for me to select the mission. I cannot click any buttons to automatically send me to the mission destination, and no missions are showing up on the map. What's weird is I was looking at the starmap, and I had the option to go meet the harlequin on a tyranid world, which I think is supposed to come later in the quest chain. I completed that mission, but I am not able to select any others. 

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Cannot proceed in campaign missions
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2 years 85 days ago
This issue appears to be resolved after emailing support
2 years 86 days ago
Also, whenever I close and relaunch the game I keep getting pop-ups telling me about the dlc.