cabal thread


started a cabal ... want some improvement.  I want to see some stats in the cabal.  a leaderboard. who plays cabal missions and contributes. metric total contribution + weekly contribution. I want to have people that plays the mission so I can get the perks. 

I want a cabal chat. so that I can send cabal messages. and invites for CoOp.

would be cool to have cabal  vs cabal play in the future... you weed out the heretics! :-)

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cabal thread
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6 years 259 days ago
A general weekly contribution by member, MotD, last sign-on for dead accounts would be wonderful
6 years 271 days ago
The Cabal chat is already implemented in the game: use /c and it will switch automatically to Cabal chat.

 I added your other suggestion to our request list:)