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- Buged Axe and Constructs
Buged Axe and Constructs
Warhammer 40K Bug Report
4 years 192 days ago
replied 4 years 192 days ago
Hello, I love the game but there are several bugs to report and Ill start with Tech adept...
When I use Omnissian Axe Alpha I can't seem to hit destuctible objects or cover.
Further more many times constructs will not attack an object like doors in gas attacks (they never atack doors) and the explosion form the constructs Will not damage the Doors...
Some times when I am in rooftops and explode a Psioli viviceptor the dead conctruct and some times enemy bnodies will float high like they are on an invisible floor above me. The first bug is annoing and creates issues in higher dificulty the later is just a bug of visual but I thing it must be fixed cause it looks bad.
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