Battle Soundtrack doesnt Stop


I have the Music turned down, i dont like music playing in the background, but the Soundtrack that first plays when loading into the game just doesnt stop. I saw someone say to verify the file Integrity (Steam) I did that cause it cant hurt, still didnt help and so did not resetting the Audio Settings. It really makes the game unplayable cuz its really load and distracting. I am gonna restart my computer, hope that helps and,

If yall know any remidies pls share them with me.

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Battle Soundtrack doesnt Stop
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1 year 214 days ago

[UPDATE] The audio bug disapeared, I didnt even restart the computer, it happened after I wrote this Post. I wrote it in the Steam Overlay, maybe using this helped the game clock that I went past the starting screen? I am no game designer nor Computer engineer so whatever it was i hope i wont need to replicate it.