

Now i know its hard to implement so many new things all the time but this bit s something i cant shake.

One thin so many game lack on when it comes to warhammer 40k is its gritty/insanity fear driven atmosphere, even in the books any time going up against chaos the whispers on the wind, the hell driven fights and the illusion  that someone is always behind you .

I fell when fighting the guitar solo and the mad max feel i get just distances me away from the grittiness of what is warhammer 40k, i want to be strolling through the corridors when a voice in my ear suddenly says "Samus" or anything that gonna get my hair up and wondering whats around those corners.

When engaging in large fights i feel the screams and death just feel drowned in exsploading bodies, i like this bit dont get me wrong but it just feels empty to me. Even when there alive there mocking and ridicule feel flat, one thing chaos is good at is getting under the skin of there enemies.

I wish i could exsplain it more but for me the atmosphere just feels empty so was wondering if there was plans to implement more or not.

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2 years 171 days ago
This comment was deleted 2 years 169 days ago by Jim Fox
2 years 177 days ago
This comment was deleted 2 years 176 days ago by Jim Fox