Assigning Tarot Cards


If I assign a lower level tarot card to a mission will I loose the benefits, for example a level 80 tarot card on a level 90 mission because it reduces the level of the mission to 80

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Assigning Tarot Cards
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4 years 314 days ago

confirm. once I reduced the mission level in the void crusade from 10x to 98 by the maximally level tarot. next time i’ll record a video if this works out again.

4 years 315 days ago
You cannot apply such a Tarot card onto a higher level mission in the first place. That option is disabled so if you apply a card with the effect to raise the mission level to 70 while you try to launch a lvl71 mission it won't work.
4 years 315 days ago
It will not allow you to do so, saying  something like - card level it too small for the mission