Archeotech Relic Crafting


helloo I think crafting could use some looking into. I got used to archeotec relics and relics having 5 charges of crafting (still annoys me though) but you cant see which relic enchants they gonna get until you use it and check it in the forge. its alright for relic items since you can reroll their relic enchantments but its really so annoying with the archeotech relics. I think archeotech blueprints should specify which enchants its going to have. even if we cant see the enchant its going to get in the inventory or shop there should be an option to scrap the blueprint from the forge without having to craft all 5 of them so the next blueprint wont get the same relic enchant if its not useful to the player and waste resources on it. 

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Archeotech Relic Crafting
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4 years 205 days ago

at the beginning only two archeotec blueprints I found (main implants) overlapped each other so I had 10 crafting charges for the same item with same relic enchantment because of my dumb luck. I may or may not used a dupelicate item tarot card which I dont remember now. thats why I thought they were always end up with same enchantments until you exhaust the charges. an earlier answer cleared that out for me. but thanks for your answer as well.

4 years 205 days ago

Not sure I understand what the OP is talking about...

I have several known Archeotech Relic blueprints of the same base item, each with different listed Primary enchants. 

For example:

Two Archeotech Chainsword blueprints each with their own line item, each with a different Primary enchant plus 3-5 Random enchantments.

  • Primary:  Inflict Bleeding on Critical Hit
  • Primary:  Gain Shock aura for 2 seconds on kill

If you want to know more about what Random enchantments are possible on any given Relic item, I suggest you go check out  @BOROGOVE‍ 's excellent work here:

This comment was edited 4 years 205 days ago by Potpie
4 years 206 days ago

I agree with you wholeheartedly. it is unnecesserily hard so I almost dont craft anymore.

4 years 206 days ago
The enchants for archeotech items are allready fixed when the blueprint is in the store(or inventory from a drop). The blueprints show a small red line like "allready known" when you have a blueprint for that item with that enchant in your list. Unfortunately there is no way to find out what enchant that item from the blueprint has unless you learn it. Most of the items have around 10 archeotech versions avilable. Thats a lot of blueprints to find/buy and the more you allready have the harde it gets to find some that you are still missing.

That can be very annoying if you are searching for a specific combination. The worst part is the carfting limit of "5 charges". Its hard enough to get the blueprint you need and then caft an item with good rolls and high number of enchants. Limiteing this to 5 try's and then expecting us to "farm" the ordo-store for weeks again to get another blueprint leaves a bad feeling behind.

4 years 206 days ago
it was indeed my dumb luck. now I used another chainsword blueprint and it stayed seperately.
4 years 206 days ago

only time I used two of the same kind archeotech blueprint it just stacked with each other. maybe its my bad luck they were the same and after that I never tried again.

This comment was edited 4 years 206 days ago by MeToLee
4 years 206 days ago

That's odd, as you can see I can craft this one Melta Gun with its Archeotech Relic enchant as shows (with the range of 6-10%) and below it is another one which has another archeotech relic enchant. Same ones stack, different ones don't.

The "next" melta gun blueprint I buy will basically roll its own enchant and then show up. My non-seasonal characters have many different Purity Seal blueprints listed (5 of them) with different archeotech relic enchants. It clutters up the list, but new blueprints bought will not automatically use previous AR enchants, they can be different.

This comment was edited 4 years 206 days ago by Alavaria