Add a "tolerance" to Purge missions


Its quite frustrating when in Purge missions, you have to backtrack a large section of the map because you missed a few mobs (more frequently occurs on the large open maps). This is especially problematic with the Psyker, as you can miss demons summoned by the high warp heat. Either:
1. Add a tolerance to Purge missions; make it so that you complete the objective by killing around 90% of the enemies on the map (when Caius Thorn comments on you getting near to the goal).

2. Make it so, when Caius Thorn comments on you getting near to the goal (remaining enemies are revealed), all remaining enemies start to converge on you with high speed/teleport near you, so you don't have to backtrack to kill them.

This quality of life improvement would increase the viability of Purge missions (imho they are quite bad, as this issue and the nature of the mission itself makes them slow compared to a Hunt for example).

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Add a "tolerance" to Purge missions
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4 years 257 days ago
Posted by Neffy 4 years 257 days ago
If you do consider the second idea, please not a teleport. Sometimes, especially depending on difficulty, you purposely have separated enemies and only want to do so many at a time. (At the same time, it's super frustrating to have had some teleport in after you left a section, and not have noticed at the time. Maybe have a minimum range before they start converging, like 1 or 2 rooms over.)
This is a good point, it would be frustrating to get insta-killed by an Elite suddenly being dropped on your head.
4 years 257 days ago
If you do consider the second idea, please not a teleport. Sometimes, especially depending on difficulty, you purposely have separated enemies and only want to do so many at a time. (At the same time, it's super frustrating to have had some teleport in after you left a section, and not have noticed at the time. Maybe have a minimum range before they start converging, like 1 or 2 rooms over.)
4 years 258 days ago
The goal of the mission is to purge every enemy you encounter in the map so the 1st request won't likely to happen.

As for the 2nd this is an interesting idea I will share it with our designers, thank you!