2k resolution+ windows scale


How can i use 2k resolution when windows text scailing is set not on 100%?

I found this guide for custom resolution but this isn't work for me.

Step 1: Open up the game folder: ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\Warhammer 40,000 Inquisitor - Martyr\

Step 2: Go into the \Cfg\ folder.

Step 3: Create a new folder named "Resolutions" and in it create a new text file named "CustomFullscreen.cfg". (or CustomNonFullscreen.cfg)

Step 4: Inside the new text file define your additional DSR/VSR resolutions you use, like so:

CustomResolution00=2560x1440 (example)

CustomResolution01=3840x2160 (example)

You can add as many as you'd like. This does not replace the standard resolutions the game detects, but merely appends new ones to that list.

And i don't understand second step clearly "\Cfg\ folder" mean Cfg folder, or \Cfg\ any folder.

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2k resolution+ windows scale
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4 years 305 days ago

there's no way to play like this, did you find a solution?